Day 30: Copenhagen

Yesterday evening a German mother with her daughter approached me with the question if i eventually had a spare bike lock. 2 out of 4 of their electrical bikes were stolen in the city center. And their chain lock was destroyed by this action. I had a small spare lock which give them some peace for the night. In the morning i found a thank you note and attention.

The classics

I have a whole day to burn in the capital of Danmark before i will take the train to the border of the Netherlands tomorrow. Plan of today, just wandering through the city.

A quick stop to take a famous girl on my luggage carrier of my bike. To my surprise, a water airplane is starting her to ‘water-taxi’ to open water for lift off.

The colorful canal in the center is as crowded as Amsterdam. There a more similarities with my former hometown. At least the bike chaos is the same. One curious observation, i noticed a lot (mostly female) people cycling with a thick black collar. I start wondering what it could be, i had a funny imagination about the purpose. However, Google confirmed that my imagination was right. A lot of people are wearing a head airbag. Which would inflate in case of an accident and form an inflatable helmet. As long as your hair looks good.


When i pass the colorful walls of Christiana, a make a stop for a small walk in this Free State with its own rules. It is tolerated by the Danish government as kind of social experiment. However just like parts of Amsterdam it all comes down on free and legal usage of drugs. There is even a kind of marketplace with dealers selling their stuff as if it is a real market. Actually, all this calling is annoying and the sellers are far from Kosher types. I leave quickly to head for a real thrill.

Vor Frelsers Kirke

A real stairway to heaven, this church. It remains one of the most exciting things to do in Copenhagen. To climb the tower, via wooden stairs and ladders between the big bells. In the end, you switch the interior of the tower for an stair in the open air. The stairs circles around the final part of the tower. To stop just below the top. It results in a great view over this harbor city.

Copenhagen Contemporary Museum

Copenhagen has a curious museum with contemporary art. I make a detour for a visit in the former harbor buildings.

The most interesting part, was in the end where visitors could leave a drawing with the impression they were leaving the museum.

Palmehuset and Museum of Natural History

The last stop is the Botanical Garden with both the greenhouse of the garden and the museum of natural history. Which i visited both.

Charlottenlund beach

To end the day in style, i made a dive into the sea near the camp site

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